Sharing Your Internet to make money without doing anything !

Very useful if you're someone spending a lot of time on your computer


Here is the list of Bandwidh Sharing Apps which really work !

I will add more apps to this list with time, if you know one don't hesitate to post a comment at the end of the page. I will test them all

  1. HoneyGain the best app to make money by sharing your internet
  2. PawnsApp the second best app to make money with your WiFi
  3. EarnApp the third… Not as good as it was in the beginning though
  4. Peer2Profit : after months of testing, this app is not worth it, stick to the 3 others

I will add more softwares to this list as soon as i will have them tested. The softwares you can see here, are those which are running on my computer on a day to day basis since months, and that i trust from now on.

In case you want to make me aware of another software, please post in the comments at the end of this page, i'll be delighted to test it

Latest 2023 update : This picture above was one of my last payments in 2023. Although it's written in French and we're in 2024 now… you can easily understand that i got 31 Euros from these softwares running in the background. And that i am going to transfer all of it to my Bank Account. You see it's easy money, just using your bandwidth.


So let's speak about this new Hype of Internet Bandwidth Sharing !

Basically it's all about sharing the Internet Bandwidth you're not using, which is going to be used by many services on the web like VPN platforms, Picture Upload platforms, Online Calculations… and these companies will pay you for that! They're not going to make you rich though 😅 But anything is more than nothing!

The best part is You don't have to do a single thing ! Once you install the software on your computer, create an account, log in and launch it… It's over ! You just let it run in the background and it will earn money for you 😉 So you can do whatever you want to do on your computer, like watching a movie, playing a video game, work on your program development, listen to music, create a video in adobe premiere…

And more important : These softwares are not going to pop-up anything, they're not going to annoy you with sounds or advertisings. And the longer you let them run… the better will be your profits ! So basically you could even run them at your job if they allow it… It's not going to harm your computer.

For WHO do i recommend these ?

These softwares are highly recommended if you spend a long time on your computer in your daily life. If you're not… If you just open your computer 2 hours per day… These won't be for you.

IMPORTANT : If you were not the kind to let your computer ON for hours, don't change your habits by suddenly turning your computer ON 24/24, 7/7, 365/365 just for these softwares to run ! That would be a mistake… Remember that you pay for Electricity and these softwares won't cover it if you turn on your computer, just for the sake of turning it ON in order to make money… Only use these softwares if you're doing something else at the same time on your computer.

Now how much resources are they consuming ?

That's very important ! I am myself the kind of guy who cares a lot about how much memory softwares are taking. Simply because we don't all have 64gb of memory on our computers ! (well i have… 😋)

So here is the snapshot below of all these 4 softwares running on my primary computer.
(even if i don't use Peer2Profit anymore, i let this screenshot for educational purpose)

As you can see it's not the end of the world… 235mb+ of memory for 4 softwares running in the background.
(Even less as i don't recommend Peer2Profit anymore…)

All of these softwares can automatically launch as soon as your windows starts, that's what i did ! So you really never have to care about them… they stay in your system tray, and whenever you want to check how much you won, just left click on any of them and it will pop-up a mini-dashboard showing your earnings.

And if you don't want to see them anywhere… you can disable the system tray icons no worry 👍


Too good to be true, so… what's the catch ?

The first thing you have to know is… Your Internet Bandwidth might be used for “shady dealings“. Basically your Internet Bandwidth will be used for all sorts of things, and the first rule of “Bandwidth Sharing” is to turn a blind eye on what your internet will be used for. Basically it's like the fight club, you don't speak about it !

But… The most important facts you have to know are below :

  1. It will not impact the reputation of your IP Address
  2. Your provider will never Ban you from using them
  3. Your government will never send you any warning
  4. People using your bandwidth will be anonymous to you
  5. You'll be Anonymous to the people using your bandwidth

If this system wasn't safe for the users sharing their bandwidth, nobody would do it… I wouldn't do it ! 😎 I am using these softwares since around 3 years now, received many payments, and never received a single warning. I have also tested the reputation of my IP Address and it never changed from the GREEN state 🤩

Oh… By the way… in case you were thinking of using a VPN, it will not work. VPN softwares are not allowed, and it's even a reason for these platforms to ban you. So don't even try to use one, you would lose your account.

Although… you don't have to uninstall your VPN, read below.

It can Change Your Life !
Nature Meets Potency



Optional Read – Let's say you're using a VPN :

For those of you who are using a VPN and don't want to stop it just because of these softwares, don't worry there is a way and it's called Split Tunneling ! If you're using a VPN since a long time i am sure you're aware of it, as every famous VPN out there (NordVPN, Proton, etc…) all have that feature.

Basically you just need to exclude a certain file, from each of these softwares, and then your VPN will exclude the traffic going in and out from them from his daily monitoring. So you won't be banned even if your VPN is turned on for other things. Here are below the files you need to exclude for each software…

Honeygain : C:\Users\YourProfile\AppData\Roaming\Honeygain.exe

EarnApp : C:\Program Files (x86)\EarnApp\net_updater32.exe

PawnsApp : C:\Program Files (x86)\IPRoyalPawns\iproyal_pawns.exe
(this one might have changed as PawnsApp name was Iproyal before)

Then you need to test if it works or not, as these softwares are sometimes updated, and so they might change how local files react. And if you're testing another software, and know the exact file we need to exclude from VPN, as always please post your findings in the comments section at the bottom of this page.


Can I show You proofs of payments ?

Actually… I already did ! If you scroll at the top of this page you'll see my latest 2023 payment, and all the “payment received” are genuine ! I got them on my Paypal, which then were transferred to my Bank Account 😉

But apart from my Paypal history, i can also show you below the mails i received

Example 1 : Payment from HoneyGain

Example 2 : Payment from EarnApp

Example 3 : Payment from PawnsApp

Then you might think that these payments are ridiculously low… 🫤

Yes one by one they're low… But all added together on your Paypal account by the end, it's not going to be low anymore ! It's like when you go to the supermarket, everything on your list cost 2$, but the final invoice always shows like 50$ to pay ! 🤨 All these little sums will create a Bigger sum in the end.

Besides they pay you even more for New Affiliates !

So everytime you'll post a link somewhere, and someone will click on your affiliate link, they'll win more money right from the start, and they will become your affiliate and you'll earn a certain % from all of their earnings for Life !

As an example, i have several affiliates as i began to use these softwares more than 3 years ago, and i receive now more money from my affiliates than i can do myself by using my own bandwidth. So affiliates ares the key to success with these softwares… You who read this page will be part of my affiliates, and then you will share your own links to get your own affiliates ! It's like being part of a big community, we know we help each other in the end.

As an example there are a few streamers out there, who have began to advertise these softwares a long time ago to their followers… And guess what ? a few of them are now earning $1000 per month, without doing nothing, just by their affiliates sharing their bandwidth. Not bad isn't it ?

So let's put again the direct download links below of these softwares :

They were already at the top of this page by the way

  1. HoneyGain direct download link (the best !)
  2. PawnsApp direct download link (the second best)
  3. EarnApp direct download link (the third, not so good)

Now it's your turn to make money and advertise your affiliate link to get even more money !

The only thing you have to do is… Start !

Optional : In case you know a software i don't, please post it in the comment

I don't know everything about everything, but the only thing i want is that this software will pay via Paypal.

I am not interested at the moment in softwares paying by Crypto currencies.