Horizon Zero Dawn was originally released in 2022 on Playstation 4 / 5, and pc users had to wait for 2024. The version i am reviewing today is the Complete Edition from Steam released in 2024 (including the DLC).Patch version : HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST REVIEW...
Horizon Zero Dawn was originally released in 2017 on Playstation 4, and pc users had to wait a few years. The version i am reviewing today is the Complete Edition from Steam released in 2020 (including the DLC). HORIZON ZERO DAWN COMPLETE EDITION Horizon Zero Dawn CE...
Colony Ship was released in November 2023 and the version i am reviewing here is the 1.0.6 from Steam. As always, I'll try to stay objective… BIG Fan of Iron Tower Studios games since Age of Decadence ! COLONY SHIP SYNOPSIS Colony Ship is the third and latest...
Elex 2 was released in March 2022 and the version i am reviewing here is the 1.05c from GOG in DirectX 12. I'll try to stay objective as i am a BIG Fan of PB games since Gothic the first ! ELEX 2 SYNOPSIS Elex 2 is the 2022 sequel of the original Elex released in...